Sunday, April 3, 2022

Migration To GitHub Pages

This website has been long overdue for an upgrade and after some searching around I've finally found a new home for the blog that I think will suit it better. New blog will be at Some older blog posts on privacy and other entries will not be ported over, mostly because they were either filler posts I made that contain little useful information, or because they contain information that has long since gone out of date and is no longer relevant (this mainly affects some of the older privacy posts that I did). Rest assured that most of the posts will still remain however, Blogger is just a real pain when it comes to their custom data format which should hopefully be solved with this migration as now I can write my blogs in MarkDown which should be a lot easier since I do a lot of MarkDown work for my job, and it should also make any future migrations easier to perform.

The site will now be based around Beautiful Jekyll from, GitHub Pages, and Discus. Unfortunately I will not be able to migrate the comments over, so some context may be lost there. All content will still be the same and I have also been working hard to fix up wording for some of the articles and fix typos etc to make the reading and viewing experience a lot more pleasant. May take a few more days but most material has already been moved over.

This site will be deleted soon though, and I'll likely leave this post up for a bit until people can convert their links and references over to the new website. Hopefully shouldn't interrupt too many things though there is always the Internet Archive if you need a backup of anything.

Until then, good luck and keep hacking :)